[net.philosophy] Interesting BBS in Santa Fe, NM

jp@lanl.ARPA (11/10/85)

There is a new Bulletin Board System in Santa Fe, NM with a rather 
unique charter.  The phone number is (505) 988-5867.  Hours of 
operation are presently 4 PM to 6 AM MST.  (longer on weekends) An 
abridged version of their charter follows.  

                     THE SANTA FE MESSAGE

We're  trying to do several things with this computer bulletin 

     1.  Give prospective visitors to the Santa Fe area (i.e., 
         visitors  with  a computer) an  opportunity   to  ask 
         questions about the area and get a personal answer on 
         our  message  board.   

     2.  Give  some low-cost advertising to any Santa  Fe  art 
         galleries   and   similar  establishments. 

     3.  Provide a tax information service.   

     4.  And finally,  give ourselves some fun.   We are heavy 
         readers  (and do some writing too) and would like  to 
         provide  a clearing house for comments on  any  books 
         that our callers have read recently.  These should be 
         comments   you're  willing  to  share  with  others--
         comments  that  would  be put in  a  file  for  other 
         readers  to peruse and copy.   If you're a big reader 
         of periodicals,  we'd like you to comment as well  on 
         any  noteworthy articles or short stories you've read 
         recently.  The file areas we have set up to hold your 
         comments and reviews are:

         Fiction File Areas

          FICTGEN  :     Fiction, general
          FICTMIDE :     Fiction on the Middle East, an area 
                         of special interest to us.

         Non-fiction File Areas (geographic breakdown) 

          USPOLIT  :     U. S. Politics
          USECON   :     U. S. Economic affairs
          USMILIT  :     U. S. Military and defense affairs
          INTERNAT :     International affairs; political, 
                         economic, and military
          SOVUNION :     Soviet Union
          WEUROPE  :     Western Europe
          CANADA   :     Canada
          MIDEAST  :     Middle East (Arab states including 
                         those in North Africa, Israel, and 
          FAREAST  :     Far East (including Japan, China, the 
                         Koreas, Taiwan, Australia, New 
                         Zealand and red under 
                         the Middle East)
          LATINAM  :     Latin America (both Central and South 

         File Areas for Other Topics

          SCIENCE  :     All scientific writings, except for 
                         the very next topic
          COMPUTER :     Computers (hardware, software, 
                         programing languages, future 
                         developments, etc.)
          BIOGRAPH :     Biographies, all types

         All services  this board provides  are free  with one 
         exception--the Tax Information Service.  We encourage 
         you to use the other services whether or not you have 
         any questions on taxes you'd like to ask us.