[net.micro.apple] QuadLink Review

chuck@tucc.UUCP (08/01/83)

                        Quadram QUADLINK

The  Quadram  QUADLINK  (QL) board is a $680 card  for  your  IBM
Personal  Computer or XT that allows you to EMULATE an Apple  ][+
computer.   I  have  one of these cards in my XT and  submit  the
following report from my own experience.

Initial installation of the QL is not for the computer squeemish.
It  requires total disassembly of your machine to get  installed.
Basically,   several  of your computer's functions are  re-routed
through the QL.   These function are:

            *  Disk Drive Access
            *  Monitor Output
            *  Speaker Output

After  installation,   you have placed jumpers between your  Disk
Controller, Monitor, and speaker to the QL board.

Operation  is  simple,   you  are supplied with an  IBM  DOS  1.1
program called QUADLINK.EXE that you start up,  this program asks
you  to insert a disk called "FILER" that is supplied with the QL
package.   The  QUADLINK program then reads FPBASIC and  DOS  3.3
from the "FILER" disk into the memory on the QUADLINK card.  Once
Loaded,   it tells you to type CTRL-ALT-DEL to boot an Apple Disk
in drive A:.   You insert your Apple Disk in Drive A: and away it

So  far,   the only noticeable difference between operation  with
the  QL  and  operation on an Apple ][+ is that  disk  access  is
slower.   I haven't compiled a percentage figure but I'd guess on
the  neighborhood  of 20% slower than Apple  Disk  Drives.

Once loaded,  QL emulates the following:

*          One Apple ][+ 48k with Language Card (for 64k total)

*          Two Apple Disk ][ disk drives (in slot #6, if you have
                 two IBM Disk drive, I have an XT
                 so I can only have 1 drive)

*        Printer in slot #1 (only if you have a parallel printer
                            on LPT1: on your PC)

*        40 Column text display

*        LORES Graphics

*        HIRES Graphics

*        Game paddle connection (a socket just like the Apple's
                                 is on the QL ready to accept
                                 an Apple Joystick.)

Since  the  QUADLINK.EXE program reads a copy of Apple's  FPBASIC
into  the memory on the QL,   you have an exact duplicate of  the
APPLE ROMS in the machine.    Therefore,   the only programs that
won't run are those that require other hardware (such as  modems,
80 column cards, etc.) and programs that are extreamly protected.

So  far,  I  have  been successful  at  running:  UCSD  P-system,
Fortran,   DB Master,  Applewriter ][,  Visicalc, PFS: File, PFS:
Report, all DOS 3.3 programs.

So far, I haven't found any of my software that won't run because
of protection.   A few won't run because it requires a Micromodem
or a Videx 80 column card.

It  doesn't matter what other hardware you have in your PC  (such
as  serial  boards,  etc..)  the QL will not allow you to  access
them in Apple Emulation.

Also,  the 64k that is on the QL is for the Emulation mode  only.
This  memory is not accessable by your PC if you're not using the
card.   Likewise,  when in Apple Emulation mode, you can't access
any of the other IBM PC memory.

The only feature of the QL that is available from IBM Mode is the
game paddle connection.    Paddles connected to this port can  be
accessed just like the IBM's Game Controller Adapter Card.

I hope that this helps some of you out... If you have any further
questions, feel free to drop me a line.

Charles McCurry (chuck)