knudsen@ihnss.UUCP (09/07/83)
This is a reply I got by mail to a question several Apple users have asked about. Hope it helps (I don't have an Apple, ssometimes wish I did). -- mike k The manufacturer of the 6809 co-processor board for the Apple is Stellation Two, in Santa Barbara. Their phone number is 805-966-1140. I believe they offer either OS-9 for their board, although the main aim seams to be to offer a faster p-code machine for Apple Pascal. If you have any further questions, I would suggest that you contact them, I found them to be very helpful when I did. On the subject of boards to enhance the Apple, it seams to me that the 68000 boards now offer much more performance for the dollar. The 6809 offers a 20% speed improvement for about $350. The 68000 offers at least 400-600% improvement for $1500. Admittedly, the cost is higher, but I'm not convinced that if you need better performance, the 6809 is the cost effective way to go. I know I am considering a 68000 for my Apple. Alan Parker BTL-WH whuxk!2411aap