[net.micro.apple] Apple Pascal: What I think

feldman@umcp-cs.UUCP (11/08/83)

        I have had my Apple ][+ for about four years, and for the last 
        three I have used Apple Pascal (AP).  AP is by far the nicest 
        OS available on the Apple, however that is not to say that it 
        doesn't have its problems.  AP is Apple's version of the UCSD 
        p-machine, A software simulated computer that runs p-code.
        Supplied with AP is the Pascal language and a development
        environment which includes a screen editor, a file handler, an 
        assembler (6502 for the Apple), a linker, and a variety of 
        library routines and utility programs.  Considering that the
        only alternative until recently to AP was Apple's DOS 3.3
        (DOS), a pitiful excuse for anything (let alone an OS), AP
        was by far the choice for software development.  Here are the
        pros and cons of AP as I see them.
        The Pascal language (compiler) as supplied with AP is very
        powerful.  Except for the lack of a dispose function, the
        Pascal has all of the features found on mainframe
        implementations.  I have on occasion written programs in AP and
        phoned them in to Maryland's Univac 1100/80 (dinosaur) having
        them run with little or no changes.  AP has real file handling
        as opposed to DOS's ctrl-D garbage.  Units, which are very much
        like Ada packages, are supported.  Linking of externally
        compiled/assembled routines is supported.  What else could you
        want in a language ?-).  The problems voiced in the net about
        compiler error #253 (Procedure too long) is overstated.  If a
        procedure is generating more than 600 words of code, it should
        be more than one procedure.  AP is not the only Pascal that
        gives a procedure too long error.  Pascal/VS running on
        Maryland's IBM 4341's also does this (not at 600 words though).
        Many students taking introductory computer courses here have
        run into this error when they tryed to place all of there code
        (about 50 writelns) into the main program.
        The editor supplied with AP is a full screen editor.  While it 
        doesn't have a lot of the nice features found in other editors, 
        such as macros and programmable  tabs, it sure beats Applesoft's
        esc-sequences.  The only other problem I have with the editor 
        is its size limitation. The maximum amount of text it can edit  
        is about 20k.  The editor and the compiler work nicely 
        together.  If the compiler catches an error in your program you 
        can have it put you in the editor write where it caught the 
        mistake.  This works most of the time, except when you start 
        using a lot of include files.  
        The file  handler is called the filer.  It is used for copying, 
        deleting, and renaming files as well as setting the date, 
        setting default volume names, etc., and it has wild cards.  The
        file structure used in AP uses contiguous blocks on the
        diskette.  This means that the disk must be K(runched whenever
        free space is in lots o' little patches.  People have
        complained about this.  They have asked why must AP do this
        when DOS doesn't.  The answer is speed.  Haven't you ever
        wondered why AP I/O is Soooo much faster than DOS I/O?  The
        "BASICS" disk provided with DOS and AP for loading the language
        card with the basic not in ROM uses AP format.  That's why it
        can load the language card so quickly.
        The assembler provided with AP is very nice.  It supports 
        macros and everything (golly gee).  My only problem with it is 
        that it assembles 6502 code.  More on this later.
        For the $295 it costs (I believe that's the cost for just the 
        software), it ain't bad.  It does require 64k of RAM, and if
        you don't want to go crazy, you should have two disk drives.
        My problems with the system follow.  It's slow.  Sloooooooow.
        6502 (8 bit brain damaged micro processor) running at a measley
        1Mhertz + a software simulated machine on it =
        slooooooooooooooow.  The other big problem I always run into is
        EXEC ERROR #4 (stack overflow).  The only answer to this is to
        segment and swap procedures.  This leads to (you're not going
        to believe this) slower execution time.  I really hate waiting
        20 minutes to get a stack overflow right before getting the
        output.  These problems really aren't with AP.  They're with
        the semi-evolved brain damaged device we jokingly call a
        computer:  The Apple ][ :-(.
        Other things which bother people in AP include its menu driven 
        "shell", its lack of I/O redirection, and the Apple's lack of 
        interrupts.  Part of AP's slowness comes from its type ahead 
        buffer.  Since the Apple's keyboard is not interrupt driven, AP 
        must poll the keyboard between executing p-code instructions.
        This lack of keyboard interrupt also means that the soft break
        (default ctrl-@) won't alway's stop a program.  There are many 
        other little annoyances, such as the fact that swapon; in 
        chainstuff doesn't work until another program is chained to, 
        but they are too numerous and technical to write a general 
        article on.
        As far as micros go, I'd like to have a computer with a 68000, 
        a meg or so of memory, a few megs of disk space, and a
        Un*x/Un*x like OS.  But until then I'll keep my brain damaged
        Apple, and keep running Apple Pascal :-).

-- mark feldman

   UUCP : {seismo,allegra,brl-bmd}!umcp-cs!feldman
   CSNet: feldman@umcp-cs
   Arpa : feldman.umcp-cs@CSNet-relay

sdh@rabbit.UUCP (11/11/83)

In response to Mr. Feldman's article, I have the following remarks:

DOS is not supposed to be a screen oriented editing system. Take a good
look at the meaning of the acronym: Disk Operating System.

The reason it is slow, is a problem with timing in the loop that loads files.
Since files can be spread out all over a disk instead of in predefined blocks,
The disk is much more space efficient.
Using the RWTS subroutine, a VERY simple assembly language proigram can be
written to load files in a time that makes most people cringe. I still don't
know why thos pholks at Apple never bothered with shaving off the cycles in
their loaders, because a few cycles can make a world of difference in access

I think the AP assembler is a dinosaur. And that's being kind. Anyone who
has used the SC 4.0 assembler or the SC macro assembler will understand why.
Speed: The SC can assemble very large programs while printing out the
listing, in a fraction of the time the AP assembler with no screen output.
Convenience:The SC has some very nice built in features including, a good
line editor, assembly to either disk or memory. target address functions,
and an include file feature just to name a few.
As a bonus, the macro assembler can exist either as a program in RAM or as
a language if a language card is available. 

I'm biased. I know it. Once I entered the realms ofassembly language,
I decided that all other languages were for nerds.
and for those of you who enjoy noise, I leave you with the following program:

         300: DEC $00
         302: BNE $309
         304: BIT $C030
         307: DEC $00
         309: DEC $01
         30B: BNE $314
         30D: BIT $C030
         310: LDA #$FE
         312: STA $01
         314: LDA #$02
         316: JSR $FCA8
         319: JMP $300

P.S. don't try this from PASCAL since you will not have access to the wonderfull
subroutines that already exist in ROM.
It only a program stuck way up in RAM to move the disk head around, load, save,

feldman@umcp-cs.UUCP (11/14/83)

[these are non blank characters]

      In response to rabbit!sdh's (What is his name?) response to my 
      article on Apple Pascal, I have the following to say:
      My main use for a micro right now is developing software which is 
      portable.  I have written business software (yuk) to deal with
      very large files on a hard disk in AP.  For DOS to come anywhere 
      close to AP's speed in random file access I would have to of 
      hacked DOS up quite a bit.  Maintaining the program would be 
      lot's o' fun.  AP walks the line between speed and porability.  I
      agree that assembly running under turbo-charged DOS is faster
      than AP, but it really isn't very portable.  I also believe that
      there are other OSs that are more portable than AP such as UCSD
      Pascal IV.1.  Unfortunately IV.1 (or IV.anything for that matter)
      currently runs much slower than AP.  As I stated in my original
      article, I would much rather have a 16 bit or 32 bit micro
      capable of running one of the larger OSs such as Un*x.
      The reason that the AP assembler runs so slowly is that it was 
      not written specially for the apple, or the 6502 for that matter.
      Both AP and DOS should be getting faster/better in the future as
      I heard/read that Apple was coming out with new versions of both.
      The new DOS has a new name, but it escapes me at the moment.  If
      you look at the new DOS 3.3 Master that comes with the Apple
      ][/e, you will see that they now have a routine that does load
      the language card quickly (in about 1/4 the normal DOS time).
      Hacking is what makes the Apple running under DOS so much fun.  I 
      liked your little assembly routine
        300: DEC $00
        302: BNE $309
        304: BIT $C030
        307: DEC $00
        309: DEC $01
        30B: BNE $314
        30D: BIT $C030
        310: LDA #$FE
        312: STA $01
        314: LDA #$02
        316: JSR $FCA8
        319: JMP $300

      though I prefer
        314:  LDA #$01
      - a matter of taste.  As for assembly language being the only
      language (that isn't for nerds), I do hope you weren't just
      talking about 6502 assembly.  It is, after all, just barely
      passable as a computer's cpu :-).  The only routine that you are
      using from ROM is the wait routine ($FCA8) which can be easily
      written.  For most applications, the NOTE routine supplied by AP
      is good enough for making sounds on the Apple's speaker.
      AP can also be hacked up a bit.  SYSTEM.APPLE (the p-code 
      interpreter) just sits there, waiting to be patched.
      You see, I'm not saying DOS is bad or AP is great.  I am just 
      justifying AP's existence.  There are some things it does well, 
      some things it doesn't.  Using it or not depends on your 
      application.  Unfortunately I don't see an operating system that
      runs on the Apple that does everything well, so the choice must
      be made:  DOS, AP, other, a combination.  Arguing over which OS
      is better is ridiculous.  You gotta list the pros, list the cons, 
      and make your decision.

-- mark feldman --  UUCP  : {seismo,allegra,brl-bmd}!umcp-cs!feldman
                    CSNet : feldman@umcp-cs  
                    Arpa  : feldman.umcp-cs@CSNet-relay