sdh@rabbit.UUCP (S. Hawley) (01/16/84)
Over the weekend, I wrote a program to simulate a guitar. I plays four voice chords arranged in the same format as "bar chords" on a guitar with a range from e to d#. The source is relatively short, but it uses a lot (and I do mean A LOT) of data, so I have no objections to posting it and instructions for creating the data (which is very time consuming) if there is interest. As an alternative, if I'm am sent a BLANK disk with a SASE (preferably a parcel) I'll send you everything including a very rudimnetary editor for editing songs, which is due for an update to a far more intelligent editor. (The first editor isn't even an editor. It should be called a creator instead, since once a chord is entered, it can't be changed...) The playing program is all in assembly langauge, and I refuse to put in any comments. That's too much of a pain at present. If you're interested, send reply by mail, and I'll send you the source and instructions or my home address. P.S. The program requires absolutely no external hardware. "Life.. don't talk to me about life" -Marvin Steve Hawley <allegra,alice>!rabbit!sdh