evans@mhuxt.UUCP (crandall) (01/27/84)
I called an Apple technical line yesterday and they confirmed that several compilers are in the works for the Mac. Third party software developers can get the specs needed to access the graphics -- its an 800 page book. The unit does have some *expandability* -- you will be able to replace its 16 64k Ram chips with 16 256k chips taking the unit to a half meg. At least two third party outfits will be offering hard disks for the mac. All in all the mac's future doesn't look that bad -- remember what the IBM PC was like when it came out. Steve Crandall
brp@ihuxm.UUCP (B.R. Priest) (01/27/84)
The Mac is just what the doctor ordered for millions of would-be computer users. Apple has really got its act together on this one. Journalists seem to be spreading all sorts of disinformation such as: no keybad, not expandable, no hard disk, not IBM compatible, etc. I predict the MAC will be the apple II all over again. Apple will be selling lots of these machines and users who are not computer scientists will at last have a computer that they can relate to. I think the screen is big enough, a keypad is optional but obtainable, hard disks will be available, some expansion will be allowed, a great deal of 3rd-party software, including games will be available, it will be IBM-compatible, hard disks will be available and Apple will meet the challenge that IBM presents. IBM, where only the janitors are creative, will have to bring out something to compete, and then will act like they invented it. Anyone who doubts the viability of Apple has their eyes closed. Ben Priest ATT Bell Labs ihuxm -- !ihuxm!brp