[net.micro.apple] Mac Gripes

knudsen@ihnss.UUCP (01/27/84)

NEWSWEEK states that the Mac case cannot be opened by the user.  (I guess that
means withjout hacking up the plastic).  So much for hardware hackers!
The irony is that the 40-odd designers of the system got to sign  their names
on the case injection mold die, so if you broke one open they'd be famous (to you,
anyway).  Is this more "disinformation?"  And say, there are a couple of expansion
slots, I hope?  There better be, for Winnies, music synthesizers, and all the
other ad-ons that made the Apple II series so great.
	Let's face it: if you removed the expansion bus card slots from the
Apple II, you'd be left with TRS-80 Color Computer except with an inferior
microprocessor, lower-level integration, and a 6x price tag.
Apple Co. ought to know the value of 3rd-party soft AND hard ware.  mike k
PS: For introducing 3 years olds to computing, I can't imagine anything
better than a Mac running the appropriate icons thru the mouse.  Kid
wouldn't even need to read -- just "point & touch."
Let's hope this great box isn't wasted on businesses.