[net.micro.apple] Macintosh crashes with bad line power

mmt@dciem.UUCP (Martin Taylor) (03/15/84)

On four occasions in the 10 days we have had our Mac, it has crashed
with checkerboard/ladder patterns on the screen and grunchy noises
from inside.  The aftermath has been different each time: (1) lost
all folders off the Guided Tour of Write/Paint (and the tour wouldn't
run that way), (2) rebooted itself, no subsequent problem, (3) stopped
dead, no subsequent problem, (4) lost all folders from the main Write/Paint

I rebuilt the Write/Paint disc, knowing what files should be in what folders,
but couldn't rebuild the Guided Tour.  Today I went to check it out, before
taking it to the dealer, but the disc was fine again.  Apparently under
some conditions discs will rebuild themselves (? If they are used as the
boot disc ?).  The dealer said that he had observed the same problem a
couple of times and had correlated it with his furnace going on, and
that therefore it was a problem of spikes or momentary drops of line-voltage.
According to at least one of the articles I read on the Mac, its power
supply should be immune to this sort of thing.

Does anyone know the truth of this matter?  Should I get a line filter
or surge protector?  Are the first delivered Mac's the same as what is
written about?  Could the problem be something entirely different?

Martin Taylor