[net.micro.apple] Who needs another newsgroup?

ags@pucc-i (Seaman) (03/17/84)

Over the past two weeks I count the following articles submitted to

	Articles about II+ and //e	12	(0.86 per day)
	Articles about Lisa/Mac		 0	(0.00 per day)
	Articles about new newsgroup    21	(1.50 per day)

I suppose if we form a new newsgroup, then at least the net.micro.apple
readers won't have to "n" past all those articles about new newsgroups.


Dave Seaman

"Against people who give vent to their loquacity 
by extraneous bombastic circumlocution."

bees@druxy.UUCP (DavisRB) (03/18/84)

When groups like net.wobegon and net.suicide exist, it is hard to
understand objections to a reasonable sub-group.  Even if there 
are <10 articles a week, the split is useful.  There is an extreme
division between old Apples and Apple 32s.  It is frustrating and
time-wasting for those of either persuasion to have to wade through
articles of the opposite persuasion.  You can't always tell from the
title which persuasion the article follows, and many people don't
know or don't want to put "(for Macintosh)" in their title.  Some
of us can only afford to read news on weekends, or for a few minutes
during the week.  Any time saving division helps.  For instance, I
would like to read net.unix-wizards more often, but it seems to be
75% BSD related.  I have little interest and no expertise with BSD,
and would welcome two subgroups here.

I assert that if the Apple 32 line were produced by a new company,
that a net.micro.whatever group would have been started immediately.
I also predict that traffic about the 32s will grow exponentially
as the Macintosh orders start coming in.  Few people have their
Macs yet, because the factory has been gearing up.

Is it really that big of a deal to give birth to a new sub-group?

Ray Davis	druxy!bees