neves@uwvax.ARPA (03/21/84)
The new version of Apple Pascal is out (version 1.2). Retail price is $250, update price (see below) is $75. If you have a II+ or IIe without extended 80 column card you get a bunch of bug fixes and ability to use the Profil hard disk. If you have a IIe with 80 column extended card 1.2 will use the auxiliary memory to allow you to run larger programs and edit larger files (edit 60 block files!). Once I get 1.2 I'm going to look into getting this "extended" version to run on other ramcards so that II+ people could get those benefits. Have you ever looked at the intro disk for the IIe "Apple Presents...Apple" that takes you through the keyboard, etc, and does nifty animation? Well it turns out that it is all written in Pascal. From the directory listing and peek into System.Library it seems to be using a runtime version of Pascal and some homebrew graphics code (i.e. not turtlegraphics). Perhaps someone out there can look into it and find something interesting. -dave p.s. to get Pascal 1.2 send your APPLE1 disk plus $75 with name,addr, zip code to Apple II Pascal Upgrade P.O. Box 306 Half Moon Bay, CA, 94019 People who bought 1.1 after Dec. 1, 1983 get a free upgrade to 1.2. They s send a copy of their 1.1 sales slip. You get 4 new disks plus a 1.2 update which describes the 1.2 additions and changes within 4-6 weeks. ;;; This is the directory of the "Apple Presents...Apple" //e disk. Filer: G, S, N, L, R, C, T, D, Q [1.1]E Dir listing of ? #5 NO.DEMO: SYSTEM.APPLE 32 7-May-82 6 Data SYSTEM.PASCAL 27 27-Apr-82 38 Data SYSTEM.MISCINFO 1 14-Aug-80 65 Data SYSTEM.CHARSET 2 18-Jun-82 66 Data ARROW.FONT 2 19-May-82 68 Data ARROWKEYS.IMG 1 11-May-82 70 Data GNOME.IMG 3 11-May-82 71 Data RABBIT.IMG 3 18-Jun-82 74 Data KEY.PARTIAL 10 2-May-82 77 Data INVERSE.PARTIAL 8 11-May-82 87 Data BUTTERFLY.DATA 2 25-Jul-81 95 Data TUNETEXT.TXT 2 1-Jul-82 97 Data DOSTEXT.TXT 4 1-Jul-82 99 Data GOOD.EATS.TXT 2 1-Jul-82 103 Data CTRL2.TXT 2 2-Jul-82 105 Data EARLYTEXT.TXT 2 14-Jun-82 107 Data FRIEND1.TXT 4 1-Jul-82 109 Data TYPE1TEXT.TXT 2 14-Jun-82 113 Data MENU.TXT 1 1-Jul-82 115 Data CAJOLE.TXT 1 1-Jul-82 116 Data ESC.TXT 2 17-Jun-82 117 Data CTRL.TXT 1 14-Jun-82 119 Data CTRL1.TXT 2 1-Jul-82 120 Data FRIEND2.TXT 4 1-Jul-82 122 Data MAZE.TXT 2 14-Jun-82 126 Data SHIFT.TXT 4 2-Jul-82 128 Data ARROW.TXT 2 1-Jul-82 132 Data ENDER.TXT 2 8-Jul-82 134 Data SYSTEM.LIBRARY 47 2-Jul-82 136 Data SKETCH.CODE 13 17-Jun-82 183 Code SYSTEM.STARTUP 82 8-Jul-82 196 Code COPYRIGHT.1982 1 14-Jun-82 278 Data APPLE.COMPUTER 1 14-Jun-82 279 Data 33/33 files, 0 unused, 0 in largest Filer: G, S, N, L, R, C, T, D, Q [1.1] ;;; System.Library on Apple //e intro disk. XExecute what file? #5:LIBMAP Library map utility II.1 [a2] enter library name: #5:SYSTEM.LIBRARY list linker info table (Y/N)? Y list referenced items (Y/N)? Y map output file name: CONSOLE: LIBRARY MAP FOR #5:SYSTEM.LIBRARY Copyright 1982 Apple Computer, Inc. Segment #28: System version = 3.0, code type is P-Code (least sig. 1st) CHAINSTU library unit (LINKED INTRINSIC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #22: System version = 3.0, code type is 6502 APPLESTU library unit (LINKED INTRINSIC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #20: System version = 3.0, code type is 6502 SHORTGRA library unit (LINKED INTRINSIC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #21: System version = 3.0, code type is P-Code (least sig. 1st) SHORTGRA data segment ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #29: System version = 3.0, code type is 6502 ASMLIB library unit (LINKED INTRINSIC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #26: System version = 3.0, code type is P-Code (least sig. 1st) INTROLIB library unit (LINKED INTRINSIC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #27: System version = 3.0, code type is P-Code (least sig. 1st) INTROLIB data segment ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #25: System version = 3.0, code type is P-Code (least sig. 1st) TYPE1UNI library unit (LINKED INTRINSIC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #23: System version = 3.0, code type is P-Code (least sig. 1st) TYPE2UNI library unit (LINKED INTRINSIC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #24: System version = 3.0, code type is P-Code (least sig. 1st) TYPE3UNI library unit (LINKED INTRINSIC) ----------------------------------------------------------------------