[net.micro.apple] Info-mac, 3/10-3/15 digested

bhyde@inmet.UUCP (03/31/84)

inmet!bhyde    Mar 29 09:48:00 1984

This is a review of the contents of INFO-MAC for the period from
March 10th thru about half of March 15th.    enjoy ben hyde
  "Having just worked on a project to sell a uP data-logger we have
  found that a 3x mark-up will insure about a 20% profit after
  taxes."  glenn at su-shasta
 -"... 500-600 people ordered Macs ... at Mich..." Jerry Wallis (Wallis @ sumex)
 -"This is second hand and might not be accurate, but the word here at
  UT-Austin was that 2000 people snapped up tickets to buy Macs and/or
  Lisas on the first day.  My ticket was numbered 1536 but I don't know
  where the numbering started.  The scheme here is to stand in line to get
  a ticket that allows you to return at a later date ( and at a specific time)
  to order a Mac.  My date is March 23.  You plunk down your 20% when
  you order and bring the rest when you pick up the machine.
 - "We have recieved 700+ orders for Macs, and delivered the first 100 or so.
   But the predicted delivery of 300 more in March and 100 a month thereafter
   should be understood as our quesses, and not as information based on any
   promises from Apple." William Sholar <SHOLAR@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>
 - Christopher A Kent (cak@Purdue.ARPA) feels that at $1200 the mac is a
   pretty good terminal, "won't threaten anyone's mainframes, but it should
   be able to make using those mainframes a bit more friendly."
 - Much discussion about in different modens with Macterminal.  Seems that
   Hayes compatable autodial modems  should work fine.
   > "The Apple Modem is a repackaged USR Password.  While Apple claims that
     they have made special modifications', I am reasonably certain that the
     instructions set remains essentially unchanged.  This would mean that
     both Password and Hayes Smartmodem are OK."
			 Michael Tchao <TCHAO@SU-SCORE.ARPA>
 - Rumor of an upgrade problem for an old Lisa upgrading to a Lisa 2/10, no
   problem with upgrade to a Lisa 2.  "timing incompatiblities on the mother
   board... any one .. successfully to 2/10 ..?" John Shore <shore@NRL-CSS>
 - Talk of stacking add on boxes under the printer, over the monitor, worry
   about vibration, shipping box for add ons, standard peripheral footprint
   and roof... 
 - "I really only want one peripheral: a wire going to my local net,
   providing modem, printer, large-scale storage, and communication."
			Matthew J Weinstein < matt@UCLA-LOCUS >
 - "...Big Blue released a 'portable' computer weighing 30 pounds whereas the
   'non-portable' Mac weighs in around 20. ..." eugene miya <emiya@ames-vmsb>
 - "purchased an insurance policy .. regular ... agent ... Aetna ... $100/year
    for $7000 coverage ... in home or not ... had to make up list of purchase
    price or replacement value."  Mike Ciaraldi <ciaraldi@Rochester.ARPA>
 -  A report that a poor fellow discovers that his refrigerator makes the line
    voltage drop below 100 volts, his Mac was going haywire several times
    a day, disks lost, he now unplugs the fridge.
   Generate Music from basic?
General Gimics:
 - shift-command-1 ejects disk... at all times ..." if the drive does
   not contain a disk, the eject mechanism is exercised.  There doesn't
   seem to be any harmful side-effects, since a dialog box asking for the
   disk is displayed as soon as the disk is needed ... might help in
   situations involving a physically write locked disk."
  			 Mike Schuster <Mikes@cit-20.arpa>
MacPaint Gimics:
 - On problem of pasting large images into MacWrite from MacPaint
     > you can do physical cut and paste latter,
     > you can insert whole pages in the final document
     > you can, but its hard, cut out vertical peices and line them up
       in MacWrite.  This is hard since cut/paste isn't perfectly accurate
       about the boundaries.
     > You can shink, cut, paste, and expand, but this loses information in
       the shink step.
  > ".. demonstration disks were broken ... power cycling ... to get out
    of boring demonstrations ... leads to unusable diskette." John Palevich
Jerry Pournelle