[net.micro.apple] Lower Case Using Apple DOS

ee163abs@sdccs7.UUCP (06/15/84)

Is there any way that I can have apple DOS 3.3 understand lowercase commands 
(e.g. DELETE, CATALOG) when typed in lower case?

Ron Breger
(or post on news)

Thomka.es@XEROX.ARPA (06/20/84)

Re: "have apple DOS 3.3 understand lowercase commands"

Yes, you can have some software or firmware placed as an input editor.
Its job is to monitor everything sent from the keyboard and convert it
to uppercase for you.  But there may be times that you want to enter
lowercase too, (like in PRINT or INPUT statments) so it will have to be
a little more involved.

One piece of hardware that will do exactly that and a WHOLE LOT MORE is
the Hollywood Hardware "Ultra Rom Board/Editor".  In my opinion, if
there is any time you work with Apple DOS, DavidDos, DiversaDos, or
ProDos, and especially if you ever do anything in Applesoft there is no
finer addition you can make to your Apple!  It works with the II, II+,
and IIe, with the IIe's 80 column card and I believe the Videx 80 column
card also.

I can talk for hours on this fine product, and no, I do not work for
Hollywood Hardware; it's just that good.  It is a ROM board that plugs
into any slot, 1 to 7.
It uses no RAM space (other than Page 3 but that's no problem, and if
you do have some conflict it's only one function of the board [GPLE]
that uses that space, so you can disconnect that if you want).  So where
does the board operate from?  It uses the $C800 - $CFFF area.  It uses
bank switching to fold in more than 2K of programs into the allocated 2K
area.  In fact the card can have up to 32K on it, all running out of
that 2K area.  All of the bank switching is invisible to the user.  It
will not conflict with other cards using that same area either.  I have
plenty of cards that share that same area and I haven't found a problem

What are the features of the board? :
Improved GPLE (Global Program Line Editor)
	Which gives you all kinds of editing powers.  It is really like a word
	processor for Applesoft BASIC.  Since it is a global editor it will
	"find" or "find-and-replace" (with prompting or not) if you want.
	Additionally, it gives you all kinds of macros on your keyboard.  All
	you have to do is press ESC and another key to do all kinds of things.
	Things like cataloging drive 1 or 2, or easy loading, running, locking,
	unlocking, or deleting a file in the catalog.  You do not have to type
	the file name either, since the filename is automatically picked up
	off the screen for you.  There are real nice features
	that allow single lines scrolls too, so that way, you can step through
	a catalog or a Basic program.  And ^C will allow you to stop a catalog
	just like you can do while listing a Basic program.
	Then you can even make your own macros.  There is almost no limit
	to their size (the limit is the RAM of the Apple).  And macros can
	call macros, can call macros, etc.  So things can really get involved.
Plus there are 26 "&" commands to do such things as
	getting a Print Using function, which allows variable masks, and the
		masks give ability to automatically round off numbers, and even
		float a "$" sign to the immediate left of numbers.
	getting a If-Then-Else ability for conditional better conditional
		programming.  Plus they can also be nested.
	number conversions (Hex, decimal and binary)
	finding the last binary load parameters
	finding the ASCII values of any key
	searching memory (including external RAM cards) for
		any string
		any set of hexadecimal numbers
	restoring lost (via NEW or FP or INT) Basic programs
	finding the present Himem and Lomem
	turning on or off a display control characters ability
	easily flipping on the different HiRes screens without clearing them.

Then there's the optional "&" commands that give you
	Renumbering, has got to be the best you have ever seen!  It will allow
		you to renum anything to anywhere and if it finds that there
		isn't enough line numbers available it will give you a choice of
		using its recommended increment or force your own.  All of the
		line number changes can also be printed to a printer, as they're
		being done, so that you'll have a hardcopy of changes.  And, if
		it finds any lines that are "hanging" (GOTOs or GOSUBs to non-
		existant lines) it will flag them so you can fix them later.
	Variable cross reference is also the best I have ever seen!  It will
		you (with the ability to get hard copy also) every variable you
		are using in program.  Every real, interger and string; every
		real array, integer array and string array.  And it will show you
		how you are using them; ie. a if a simple reference, a changing,
		an input or get statement, a read statment, or even if used in a 
		defined function.  All of the variables are listed in two forms,
		the short, first two significant characters (plus $ or # and (, as
		applicable) and the long way - as the entire name.  It has the
		ability to do a fast list, where only the variable names are listed. 
		And you can even just list the particulars of any one variable, like
		to find out if your even using it anywhere.
	The Hide function is really keen.  It will allow you to hide multiple
		programs, one after the other, stacked away like pancakes.  Each
		time you request a hide, some information will be given to you,
		such as how big (in bytes) the program was that you just hid
		and how much remaining space you have.
	The Merge function is also very inteligent.  It will not allow you
		to "tromp" or "trash" a program on another that share the same
		line numbers.  But it will give you the option to force those
		same programs together, anyway, by having the program
		about to be unhidden assume the lower line numbers. 
	There is an AutoNumber utility that is very inteligent.  It will allow,
		of course, and starting line line number and increment.  It
		defaults to start at line 10 and and increment of 10, but if you
		have a program already in memory it will then default to a
		starting line number after the last presently used (plus the 
		increment).  It will not allow you "tromp" on an existing
		line number either.  That way you won't accidently wipe
		out a line.

They even have another new ROM that gives you FID type of copy ability
(file coping with a wildcard, too) and it will give you prompting if you
want.  Then there is also on the same ROM a Catalog editor that allows
you to easily rearrange a DOS catalog to your liking.  You can even
enter inverse or blanking characters into file names, you can make
"empty files" so that you can have clever header information in your
catalogs, etc.

Lots of really usful stuff, and with all of the stuff mentioned above
only four of the eight ROM sockets are used.  So more expansion is still

	Hollywood Hardware is located at
	6842 Valjean Ave.
	Van Nuys, Ca.  91406
	(818) 989-1204


md@ncsu.UUCP (06/21/84)

yes there is a way to have DOS accept lower case commands, the program
is listed below, here is how it works.  There are several unused placed in
DOS that can store small patches, $BCDF-BCFF is one of them.  In this location
goes a routine that reads a character from the input buffer ($200) and 
checks to see if this is a lower case letter, if it is it changes it
to upper case (in the a-reg only not the buffer) and then lets normal
DOS take it from there.  The routine that calls this patch is located 
at $A193 and the change there is shown below.  
	BCDF: BD 00 02  LDA $200,X
	      C9 E1     CMP #$E1
	      90 06     BCC $BCEC
	      C9 FB     CMP #$FB
	      B0 02     BCS $BCEC
	      29 DF     AND #$DF
	BCEC: 60        RTS

	second patch goes here

	change A196 from LDA $200,X  to   A196: 20 DF BC   JSR $BCDF

  the other method involving some $F000 or so location only allows
  lower case letters to be typed, NOT accepted as commands.

  While on the subject of lower case did you know that the Franklin 
  computer allows for more variable names than the Apple.  The 
  Franklin allows for lower case variable names so variable aa$ is 
  different from variable AA$!!!
  Anyone interested in this can reply to me.  (I own an Apple ][ my
  dad owns a Franklin.)  

			Mike Davis
			NCSU Raleigh NC