[net.micro.apple] is a registered trademark of SMTP


From:  "Leigh L. Klotz" <KLOTZ%MIT-OZ@MIT-MC.ARPA>

Why are people always saying
 Apple is a trademark of Apple.
in their messages?  Who cares?  Let Apple police their own copyright
protection; I doubt that mail to INFO-APPLE will be dredged up in
court one day as an example of how Apple has passed into common
usage as meaning computer.

Do you see little TM's or R-circles in magazine articles every time
Apple is mentioned?  No.  You see them in Apple ads and in other
people's ads to whom Apple's legal department has written and told
to say it.

The fervent Unix people are always writing little TM notices in their
messages because they want to protect the Unix trademark, lest, heaven
forbid, people be able to market anything useless operating system and call
it Unix.  Other people picked it up from the Unix people -- some of whom I
bet don't even know why they do it.

So I say let's call off the trademark notices at the ends of messages.
They're boring.  It's not up to us consumers to do Apple and other
companies this service at the expense of having more junk than already
exists in our mail files.


	My understanding is that the notification of trademark rights applies
only when a logo is used, not when the name itself is used. In other words,
the design and appearance is an integral part of the trademark. If this is
true (and hasn't changed since I was taught it), then putting TMs et al in
messages may conceivably do more harm than good, though that's not really
likely; on the other hand, I agree that it is an unnecessary distraction.

