mmt@dciem.UUCP (Martin Taylor) (07/30/84)
The ARPABET for MACTalk Arpabet character codes: adjusted to correspond to phonetic codes of MacTalk (Not guaranteed complete, but these work). Vowels IY bEAt IH bIt EY bAIt EH bEt AE bAt AA bOb AH bUt AO bOUGHt OH fOUr OW bOAt UH bOOk UW bOOt AX About IX rosEs ER bIRd AW dOWn AY bUY OY bOY Y You Semivowels and nasals R Rent L Let W Wit M Met N Net NX siNG Stops P Pet T Ten K Kit B Bet D Debt G Get Fricatives /H Hat F Fat TH THing S Sat SH SHut V Vat DH THat Z Zoo ZH aZure CH CHurch J Judge WH WHich Miscellaneous UL battLE UM bottOM UN buttON DX baTTer Q glottal stop - silence 0 to 9 as a single digit can be entered after any vowel as a stress marker. Stress alters pitch, intensity and length of the vowel. # ends the whole utterance. As it silences the sentence in which it occurs, it usually follows a period. Parentheses () seem to get the words inside them to be spoken as a continuous group, rather than having a tiny gap between words. Period and comma indicate different pauses and intonation contours, appropriate to their normal punctuation usage in sentences. -- Martin Taylor {allegra,linus,ihnp4,uw-beaver,floyd,ubc-vision}!utzoo!dciem!mmt