ward@hao.UUCP (Mike Ward) (10/15/84)
For those who are wondering about Softworks 'C', I offer the following: There is no way possible to edit, compile, assemble and link a program without going to the finder and copying a file from one disk to another. The compiler gives error messages by line number but there is no way, short of counting from the top, of finding line numbers in a file. I paid four hundred dollars and got a "pre-release" version. To get the released version, you will have to pay extra. Printf does not know anything about windows. It sticks the text on the screen, like a "normal" computer, no matter what else is there. I was not able to use "create" to create a file. This may be because I gave up early and used the toolbox version. Great for portability. You must use the Apple linker, which has no library look-up ability. If you want to use a routine that is in a file, you get the whole file in your program. The "hello world" program is huge. There is no documentation telling what routines are in which files. It is a version of Whitesmiths. Other than that, it's great. -- Michael Ward, NCAR/SCD UUCP: {hplabs,nbires,brl-bmd,seismo,menlo70,stcvax}!hao!ward ARPA: hplabs!hao!sa!ward@Berkeley BELL: 303-497-1252 USPS: POB 3000, Boulder, CO 80307