[net.micro.apple] Aztec C graphics and some other stuff

hall@ittral.UUCP (Doug Hall) (12/05/84)

Recently I posted a request for info about graphics routines for Aztec
C. I got a lot of requests; it seems that a lot of people are
interested, so I'm going ahead with  my work on the hi-res graphics
library for Aztec C. I'll mail it to those who specifically requested
that I send it by mail, but due to the many requests I got I will be
posting it to the net. I'm not sure when. It isn't finished yet, and
my wife and I have a baby due (our first!) any day now, and I just
bought a house, and so I'm not exactly breaking my neck to get this
done. I'll try to have everything finished up sometime around the
first of the year. Maybe sooner, probably later.

By the way, I really like the Aztec C compiler, but the support from
Manx has been absolutely terrible. I have a hard time finding anyone
there who seems familiar with the Apple version of their compiler. The
response when I report a bug is usually something like, "Hmmmmm. I
see." They have been promising a ProDos version of the compiler for
nearly a year now. I think it got shelved while they got the Mac
version working. At any rate, I'm not very impressed with them as a
company. Their documentation stinks, too. As long as you work under
the shell they supply you're fine, but I have been having a heck of a
time implementing device drivers for use in a stand-alone environment.
Some more support and better documentation would help a lot.

Douglas Hall
ITT Telecom Products
Raleigh, NC