[net.micro.apple] Mac Millisecond Timing / Serial Technology

maclab@reed.UUCP (Mac Lab Login) (01/16/85)

Millisecond Timing

      I have written a short piece of Assembler code which adds 
millisecond- precision timing to the Macintosh's list of desirable 
features.  The code is very simple (it sets up the VIA to generate 
millisecond interrupts -- a short interrupt handler increments a 
long-word memory location after each interrupt).  It is designed to 
be used with assembler, pascal, MSBasic, (Mac Basic?), and perhaps 
MacPascal (for interpreted languages on the Mac, the code is short 
enough to poke into memory; a CALL statement will pass the interrupt 
handler a pointer to the variable you want to use as the timer 
location -- then just read the variable whenever you need to see how 
many milliseconds have elapsed).  If you are interested, mail me a 
request, and I will send you the code.

Serial Technology

      I currently work in the Reed College "MacLab." Reed College 
has a particularly aggressive 5 Year Master plan for aquiring and 
implementing computing resources, which involves loaning every 
student on campus a Macintosh.  We are a small group, located in the 
physics department, who are dedicated to Macintosh development and 
problem solving for the Reed Community.  The MacLab has developed 
several software packages (now being sold by an outside vendor) --

    GriffinTerminal -- a Tektronix 4012 emulator for the Mac, with 
            quickdraw support, file transfer, mouse button       
            etc. etc...

    GriffinText -- a fast, 32K ASCII text editor for the Mac

    AELM-51 -- An Intel MCS-51 mnemonic assembler/editor/downloader/ 
               terminal for the Mac.

      We are particularly obsessed with controlling external devices 
(primarily networks of 8051 microcontroller single-board computers 
which we have designed) and methods of collecting and displaying 
real-world data with the Macintosh.  A real-time-oriented compiled 
Pascal for the Macintosh is our pet project at the moment, along 
with a Finder-like (icon-oriented) interface to our external 
hardware networks.

If you have similar interests, or if you would like to know more 
about what we are doing,  we're always glad to talk, via USENET or 
telephone or US mail.


Physics Department
Reed College
Portland, OR  97202
(503) 771-1112 x277

Scott Gillespie         -- programmer/coordinator
Rick Wood               -- Serial Specialist (GriffinTerminal
Greg Stein              -- Assembler/Compiler-writer extroardinaire
Marianne Colgrove       -- MacPascal Expert/Telephone Diplomat/PR
Zoe Mendell             -- Mac-Nerd expert/misc. support
Prof. Richard Crandall  -- Supervisor/Hardware Ace/Idea Generator

spector@acf4.UUCP (David HM Spector) (01/19/85)

Hi I would be very interested in such code?  Could I get a copy of
your milisecond routine???

			Dave Spector