[net.micro.apple] WIZARDRY level 10

ekblaw@uiucdcs.UUCP (02/06/85)

I answer the original questions about WIZARDRY in the net.games.frp notesfile,
so I won't go into it here.  However, I believe a clarification of the entrance
to 10th level (NOT level G, you dimwit!) is necessary.

TELEPORTING:  It is possible to teleport down there.  However, unless you have
already mapped the 10th level (done by teleporting UP from it using a MALOR
spell to a totally nonrock level [6th is good]), I wouldn't recommend it.  The
passages of level 10 are all disjoint, available by teleporting tiles in the
various rooms.  I don't remember where all of the rooms and corridors are, but
Werdna's lab is in the SE (17-19 E, 0-2 N) corner of the maze.

TRAPDOORS (CHUTES):  There are two chutes that take the party down to 10th 
level.  One of these chutes is near the elevator landing (directions were
given by another user).  The other is in an area of 9th level attainable only
by a teleporter chest or other teleport method (no, I don't remember its
coordinates).  It is recommended to use the one in the room by the elevator.

A few monsters to beware of on 10th level:

- Air Giants:  These f**kers are MEAN!!!  They hit harder than a blade cusinart'
               and can cause critical hits like a ninja.  Most spells won't 
               work against them (the same for all giants), but LAKANITO and
               TILTOWAIT have proven to be the most effective.

-Poison Giants:  These suckers have the worst case of bad breath in history!!!
                 They have a breath that's sheer poison - literally!  If any
                 character misses his/her saving throw against poison (which
                 is based upon your attribute totals - the book never says
                 exactly how this is done), that character is dead!  Even if
                 they make the saving throw, the damage is still tremendous.
                 I lost over half my party the first time I encountered one of
                 these mothers.  The same spells mentioned for Air Giants are
                 good for these babies.

-Greater Demons:  Hell comes to you!!!  These devils are powerful!  They shoot
                  spells which would make Merlin jealous and have over 100 HP
                  on the average.  Best advice - Fighters jump 'em with a
                  TILTOWAIT or LAKANITO support.

-Vampire Lords:  These b**tards are the personal guard of Werdna, the evil
                 arch-mage.  Though the number encountered varies, it is 
                 typically around 4-8.  There are always two groups of them
                 to worry about.  They shoot high-level spells and drain
                 TWO or THREE levels if they hit someone.  Best advice - use
                 a TILTOWAIT.  LAKANITO sometimes helps, but it always seems
                 to miss one or two of them.

-W E R D N A:  The big baddie himself!  This is an arch-mage to end all arch-
               mages!  However, to get the amulet to successfully complete the
               mission, he must die!  Best way to do this is to have the priest
               in the party shoot a MABADI spell (leaving this sucker with only
               1-8 HP) and have a fighter hit him to finish him off.  You have
               to be lucky in the first place, though, and get him before he 
               gets you.  He AVERAGES 80 HP taken off each character with just
               one spell.  If he surprises you, you're finished!  If you sur-
               prise him and his entourage, do as I have said and he is dead
               along with maybe half or more of the vampire lords.  If neither
               group surprises the other, pray that yu get your spells off

Final note:  Killing WERDNA enables you to get the amulet.  Take this baby
             back up with you to the castle to be named a Chevron.  This is
             a good title as it automatically gains you 250,000 experience
             and automatic first attack against any monsters (though this
             first-attack bonus may only work in the Proving Grounds.  I
             can't remember whether it extended to Knight of Diamonds or not.
             Also, this first-attack is only true of fighters and fighter-
             types.  Spells still take awhile to cast).  However, there are
             two disadvantages.  One is that the amulet is automatically
             removed when the party returns, so that only that party becomes
             Chevrons, and Two is that you lose all of your equipment and most
             of your gold.  My solution:  before going down, give all your gold
             to a neutral character who is not part of the party.  This way,
             you still have the gold with which to purchase items from the
             Trading Post.  By this time, sold treasure items (you have been
             selling treasure items to the trading post, haven't you?) will
             have raised Boltac's stock up to levels almost equivalent to the
             equipment lost.  A few treks to the ninth level to open some chests
             should restore the rest.

I hope these remarks clear up any confusion and help you out!

Robert A. Ekblaw, ekblaw@uiucdcs