[net.micro.apple] low cost **8.50** C compiler

rowley@inuxg.UUCP (David Rowley) (02/20/85)

  i recently purchased  the CC02 'C' compiler from Folksoft and have been
very happy with it.  the only problem is the compiler handles only integer

it supports commands:

auto		break		case		char		continue
default		do		else		extern		for
if		int		register	return		static
switch		while

reserved for future use:

double		entry		float		goto		long
short		sizeof		struct		typedef		union

the compiler also supports all the <stdio.h> functions (as far as i can tell)
except files can only be opened for read or write and not append (but you
can write a function to set the file up for append).

the complier executed the BYTE prime number bench mark in 2min 30sec
as compared to 47 min for the same program in applesoft.

the complier also allows 'in line' assembly commands.  you can enter
#asm......#endasm to enter assembly commands in the 'C' source code.

the compiler is available from:

P.O. box 441
Fayetteville, NY 130666
(315) 656 -7447		cost is $38.50

you also need an assembler to use the compiler.  the complier is made to
work with the TOOLKIT assembler or the CALL A.P.P.L.E BIG MAC assembler.
but it can be made to work with any assemblers (but you really need to
know what you are doing to make the modifications).

i have the BIG MAC.C assembler and have found it to work very well with the
compiler.  i have assembled "object code" that was 23K with no problem (and
when doing this i didn't use features of the assembler for assembling  very
large programs).

the BIG MAC assembler is available from:
290 S.W. 43rd ST.
(206) 251-5222

cost is $40 for members. the membership cost is $51 for the first year and
$26 for each year thereafter.  this includes a subscription to the club
magazine and some real bargins (i think) in software.
i think paying $91 (=$40 + $51) for just the assembler is well worth the price.
this assembler is better than some 6502 assemblers i have used on
main frame computers.

dave rowley