ix255@sdcc6.UUCP (John Antypas @ UC San Diego) (02/27/85)
Does anyone out there, have, in any language (high level), for any computer, a program which will do simple two dimensional curves on a Diablo printer. I type lots of lab reports and am tired of plotting curves by hand. I have seen that Diablos can do simple graphics, that's all I want. The ability to read in say four sets of X,Y data points into the same graph would be nice. Any help in the area would be most appreciated. BitGraphics and Character Graphics programs are both quite acceptable. Greg L. Hartzog {Posted via friend} ...!ucbvax!ucdavis!u566654244ea ...!{ucbvax,ihnp4,noscvax}!sdcsvax!sdcc6!ix255 ARPA: ucdavis!u566654244ea@Berkeley sdcsvax!sdcc6!ix255@{Berkeley,Nosc} Bell: 619 455 0255
dr@ski.UUCP (David Robins) (03/04/85)
> Does anyone out there, have, in any language (high level), for any > computer, a program which will do simple two dimensional curves on a > Diablo printer. I have a slightly kluge-y way of doing this on the Apple. First, I create a graph using the Interactive Microware, Inc., (State College, PA (814) 238-8294), package called Graph-Pak ($145). I use the section called Scientific Plotter, which is available separately for about $30 or $40. You can input your data by hand, or read it from a disk file. If you want, you can use their Curve Fitter program, available separately for $35, to fit the data with various smoothing schemes. The fitted data can then be passed back to the Scientific Plotter for axes and numbering. Once you have the final graph, it is usually dumped to a graphics printer, using a Pkaso-U or Grappler+ parallel card. Instead, I save it to disc. However, since I have a serial printer, both a C. Itoh dot-matrix, and a Qume daisy-wheel printer, I opted for something else. Smartware of Dayton, Ohio (513) 426-3579, makes a software package called ADVANCED GRAFPAK which lets one dump HGR screens 1 and 2 to almost any printer, dot-matrix or daisy-wheel, using either serial or parallel cards instead or a hardware graphics dumper. It is not as fast as a dumper card, but it is reasonable, especially at the $35 price. It is also available from Interactive Microware, Inc. I then load one of the graphs from the disc I created above, and then run it using this GRAFPAK. You have a choice of printing characters; I use the period for the line graphs. I think the Roger Wagner Software program called PRINTOGRAPHER also serves a similar function to ADVANCED GRAFPAK. You still need to create a hi-res graphics screen to dump from. -- David Robins; Smith-Kettlewell Institute of Visual Sciencs 2232 Webster St; San Francisco CA 94115 415/561-1703 {ucbvax,dual,sun}!twg!ski!dr {ucbvax!mtxinu,dual!ptsfa,sun!texsun}!politik!ski!dr