[net.micro.apple] Applesoft Basic Compilers

dr@ski.UUCP (David Robins) (07/24/85)

I need some information {help}.

I have been investigating Applesoft Basic Compilers, for the "new"
Apple //e.  There is precious little information published about
compilers for Apple.  The Apple Software Annual had a chapter, but it
is very outdated, seemingly based in information at least four years old.
This information is the same as that in an old issue of Softalk
magazine.  One test was published in the Feb, '83 issue of Computer
Applications in the Laboratory, for the Apple ][+.

The four compilers mentioned are:
	1)Microsoft Applesoft Compiler (TASC)
	2)Einstein Expediter (misnamed.. was the old On-Line Expediter
	][, later revised and published by the Einstein Corp as the
	Einstein Compiler)
	3)Hayden Compiler +
	4)S.W. Data Systems - Speedstar.

The Einstein Compiler was taken off the market several years ago,
due to too much demand for support of a relatively low-cost, low-profit product.

The Hayden Compiler + was taken off the market recently; apparently it
didn't work reliably with the Aple //c and //e.

I have been unable to find the Speedstar.

Microsoft is making their compiler, which is said to work with the //c
and "old" //e, and should work with the "new" //e.  However, based on
the "benchmark" tests done in the publications, the speed increase is
only about 3-5 times, maximum, with a 1.5x expansion in size.

BASED ON THIS HISTORY, I would like to know is there are other
compatible Applesoft Compilers out there?  Does anyone have experience
with the Microsoft Compiler?

(some people have recommended the Aztec-C compiler, but I would rather
program and debug first in an interpreted language)

Please send me mail, or post to this newsgroup--THANKS!!

David Robins, M.D. 
Smith-Kettlewell Institute of Visual Sciences
2232 Webster St; San Francisco CA 94115
David Robins, M.D. 
Smith-Kettlewell Institute of Visual Sciences
2232 Webster St; San Francisco CA 94115