[net.micro.apple] Videoterm/Ultraterm Questions

c50p-at@ucbzooey.BERKELEY.EDU (Jonathan Dubman) (10/08/85)

I am purchasing a Videx Ultraterm for use with my Apple II Plus revision 4.
I have three main intentions in mind: Calling up a UNIX system,word
processing, and 6502 programming, all in 80 column.  I need suggestions for
a word processor and a terminal program compatible with the Novation Apple
Cat II modem.  Right now I use COM-WARE II for a terminal program, but that's
not too sophisticated (It would be nice to emulate a terminal like a VT100).

An added bonus would be the ability to use the full 160 or so columns
and the 48 lines of the Ultraterm.  (I am aware that you can't have 160 across
and 48 down simultaneously.)

Also, if you have any comments/suggestions about the Ultraterm in general,
send mail.

	 "Do not insult an alligator until you have crossed the river"
						    - Phil A. O'Fish
	 Alternate address:  ucbvax!ucbzooey!c50p-at