gordon@alberta.UUCP (Gordon Atwood) (01/06/86)
Some time ago I posted a request for information on the use of double hi-resolution graphics with the Apple IIe. The response was overwhelmingly non-existant. Over the Xmas holiday I devoted several hours investigation to the soft-switchesindicated by my IIe Reference Manual. They did not elicit the desired responses. The manual is unclear, non-specific, and proffers no examples. Has anyone out there examined this supposed feature? Can anyone explain how to use it, either from Basic, or Machine Language level. Does anyone know if certain models of IIe might be lacking this feature? Can anyone recommend an article, text, person, which/who can supply this information? Any assistance with this problem would be greatly appreciated. G.H.A.
nazgul@apollo.uucp (Kee Hinckley) (01/08/86)
In article <771@alberta.UUCP> gordon@alberta.UUCP (Gordon Atwood) writes: > Some time ago I posted a request for information on the use of double > hi-resolution graphics with the Apple IIe. The response was overwhelmingly > non-existant. That's typical. > Has anyone out there examined this supposed feature? Can anyone explain how > to use it, either from Basic, or Machine Language level. Does anyone know > if certain models of IIe might be lacking this feature? Can anyone recommend > an article, text, person, which/who can supply this information? > > Any assistance with this problem would be greatly appreciated. > > G.H.A. Well, you asked for any assistance, so I will offer up what little I know. To use double hi-res on a ][e you need to have the following: an 80 column card with 64K of additional memory (apple compatable) a rev B motherboard a jumper The revision notice is (I think) printed in the back behind the slots. The rev B board has been standard for at least a year, probably two. I think you can get a free upgrade if you don't have it. The jumper has to go on the 80 column card, connecting two posts on the right-hand keyboard side. I'm a little vague on this, I don't have my apple here and it has been a while since I did it. Any kind of wiring between the two posts will do. I don't know whether this is done for you on the newer versions of the 80-column card. Once you have made sure that all of the above is done you can use the 80 column features. The addressing is a real pain, since every other dot is on the other bank of memory. I know that Nybble magazine had a flurry of sample programs that did it soon after it was announced, so you might want to try and dig them up. I've also seen (I don't remember where) an ad for some ampersand routines that mimiced the standard apple graphics calls but worked with hires. As a side note, since the bank switching really slows down loading files into memory some graphics programs (The Complete Graphics System from Penquin Software in particular) save double hi-res pictures as two seperate files, one for the foreground memory and one for the background. You can also use some of the extra memory for a ram disk. This is done automatically in ProDos and Nybble published a ram-disk for Dos a while back that works quite nicely. Hope that helps some. Kee Hinckley ...decvax!wanginst!apollo!nazgul -- Little Bo-Peep Has lost her sheep, The radar has failed to find them. They'll all, face to face, Meet in parallel space, Preceding their leaders behind them. "A Space Child's Mother Goose"
owen@dg_rtp.UUCP (01/09/86)
> Some time ago I posted a request for information on the use of double > hi-resolution graphics with the Apple IIe. > the soft-switches indicated by my IIe Reference Manual. They did not > elicit the desired responses. The manual is unclear ... I tried using the soft switches listed in the Microsoft manual that came with the Premium Softcard IIe I'm using. They also failed to put double hi-res graphics on my screen. > Has anyone out there examined this supposed feature? Yes, I've sure tried! > Can anyone explain how to use it, either from Basic, or Machine level? No, and I'm getting upset. > Does anyone know if certain models of IIe might be lacking this feature? > Can anyone recommend an article, text, person, which/who can supply this > information? I seem to recall that "revision A" motherboards don't support double hi-res according to the Microsoft manuals. Maybe if I compare the stuff in the IIe reference manual (I didn't realize it was there) ... I, too, would appreciate any help any kind soul would care to give. > G.H.A. Karl M. Owen -- Karl M. Owen Data General, RTP, NC ...!seismo!mcnc!rti-sel!dg_rtp!owen
balon@eneevax.UUCP (Kevin G. Balon) (01/10/86)
Double Hires is tricky to do. The best software I have found to use it is BEAGLE GRAPHICS. Also, refer to Apple's 'Extended 80-Column Text Card Supplement' for the use of the soft-switches. Trying to do it in BASIC is much to slow. BEAGLE GRAPHICS adds commands to BASIC to use in your own programs. Nonetheless, here's a copy of an early program I wrote to use double hires graphics on an Apple //e (Rev. B); it displays a sign wave: I hope this helps out. (By the way, I have no connection with BEAGLE SOFTWARE or APPLE; I am just an enthusiastic apple computer user) ************ 100 GOSUB 4010: REM Initialize 110 HCOLOR= 3 120 FOR X = 0 TO 559 STEP .25 140 :Y = 40 * SIN (X / 10) + 80 160 : GOSUB 5010: REM plot it 180 NEXT X 200 END 3999 STOP 4000 REM ****************** INITIALIZATION ********************* 4010 D$ = CHR$ (4) 4020 PRINT D$;"PR#3" 4025 HGR : REM Clear half the hires screen also 4030 POKE - 16300,0: REM Stay in page 1 graphics 4040 POKE - 16371,0: POKE - 16384,0: REM Turn on card and enble 80STORE 4050 POKE - 16290,0: REM Turn on AN3 (enable double res graphics) 4060 POKE - 16297,0: POKE - 16304,0: REM Enable HIRES graphics and dispay it 4065 HCOLOR= 0: REM This For/Next loop clear other half of screen 4070 FOR Y = 0 TO 191 4080 POKE - 16383,0: POKE - 16299,0: REM Access Hires Page 1x in Auxiliary RAM 4090 HPLOT 0,Y TO 279,Y 4100 NEXT Y 4110 POKE - 16384,0: REM Access Hires Page 1 in main RAM 4120 RETURN 4999 STOP 5000 REM *************** Double Res Plotting Subroutine ************* 5010 IF X > 559 THEN RETURN 5020 COLUMN = INT (X / 7) 5030 AUXFLAG = (COLUMN = 2 * INT (COLUMN / 2)) 5050 XREL = X - 7 * COLUMN 5060 FIRST = (COLUMN - NOT AUX) * 3.5 5070 XPLT = FIRST + XREL 5080 POKE - 16383,0: POKE AUXFLAG - 16300,0: REM Enable 80STORE and select bank 5090 HPLOT XPLT,Y 5100 RETURN