tlpmp@homxb.UUCP (Penrod) (01/17/86)
We've just puchased a IIe system for our church with a 10Mb Sider and a 512K RAMWORKS card. The software we purchsed includes Print Shop and Dollars & $ense. My question is how do I load these programs onto the Sider? If a regular copy program like Copy II+ 5.(whatever) can do it, what partition do I use for each applications program? (CPM-I don't thinkkso, ProDos-maybe, DOS-maybe, Pascal-maybe for $s & $ense). This doesn't seem to be an unreasonable thing to want to do, nor should it be illegal. If it is illegal, let me know since it is for a church and we wouldn't want to do anything against the law. I also wonder about future protected software purchases which we haven't identifed a need for yet. Any guidance would be appreciated. Terry Penrod AT&T Netwrok Systems