cjsgro@watdragon.UUCP (Carlo Sgro) (02/09/86)
Is there any restriction to which slot I can put my Z-80 card in? Currently, I have slots 4, 5, and 7 open (80 column card in #3, disk controller in #6, and serial card in #2).
ldr335@uiucuxf.CSO.UIUC.EDU (02/11/86)
I personally use slot #4 for my Z-80 card (a Franklin Z-80 card), and most of my friends who have other Z-80 cards also seem to use slot #4. It does not however matter what slot it is put into. I would suggest not using slot 7, as that is usually reserved for a second set of floppies or a hard disk. ldr335@uiucuxf ------------- If anyone has anything to add, add it -------------