[net.micro.apple] Terminak terminal emulator

neves@uwai.UUCP (David Neves) (03/01/86)

Topic: info-apple, Entry # 544
Date:	  Sun, 22 Dec 85 19:20:36 PST
From:	  ken@Hamlet.Caltech.Edu
Message-Id: <851222192014.017@Hamlet>
Subject:  H19 Terminal Emulator for the Apple //
To:	  Info-Apple@Hamlet.Caltech.Edu

	After over one year of beta testing, we (Eric P. Scott
and Kenneth Adelman of Caltech) are proud to announce the release
of "Terminak," a terminal emulator for the Apple // series of
computers that provides a fairly complete emulation of the
Heath/Zenith-19 ("H19") terminal.  This particular "standard" is
understood by a large number of hosts and has many features
favored by display-oriented applications such as screen editors.
 Not implemented are the H19's 25th Line (hardware limitation),
graphics characters (same reason), ANSI Mode, Hold Screen Mode,
screen Transmit functions, and a few known H19 bugs.  Features in
Terminak not in the H19 include printer support and "auto flip
mode" for the Apple ][ 40 column screen.  "Pure D|I|G|I|T|A|L"
systems can treat Terminak as a DEC VT52 since complete support
exists for the VT52 subset.  Written entirely in 6502 assembly
language, Terminak is able to run at 9600 baud without using
hardware interrupts.

	Terminak is distributed in three files: `h19.doc' contains
machine-readable documentation, `h19.hex' contains the binary
image in Intel HEX format, and `loadintel.exec' contains a program
that will run under DOS 3.3 to load `h19.hex' into memory where it
may be BSAVEd to disk.	These files are available via FTP from
Hamlet.Caltech.Edu [] (user anonymous; pass guest; cwd
/ufs/anonymous; get h19.hex; get h19.doc; get loadintel.exec).	I
would appreciate receiving a note from anyone who receives a copy
so I can get an idea of the size of the distribution and know who
to notify of updates.  If you do not have access to FTP I can mail
you a copy.  We do not intend on distributing source to Terminak
in the near future.

	To get started with Terminak, download the three files to a
DOS 3.3 diskette.  EXEC LOADINTEL.EXEC to create the file
LOADINTEL.  BRUN LOADINTEL and specify H19.HEX as its input file.
Upon completion of LOADINTEL, BSAVE TERMINAK V1.0,A$C00,L$24F0.
BRUN TERMINAL V1.0 and you're in.

	Terminak supports the traditional 40 column Apple ][
screen, the Videx 80 column card, and the // 80 column screen.
All serial cards or internal modems which use the 6850 ACIA
(Apple Serial Card and imitations) or the 6551 ACIA (Apple Super
Serial Card and imitations) are supported, but you may need your
serial card's manual to assist in configuring Terminak correctly.
On the Apple ][ you will need the shift-key mod installed to
simulate a full ASCII keyboard.

The binary image comes configured to run on an Apple //c; read the
configuration section of the documentation to configure it for
other hardware.

				    Kenneth Adelman

David Neves
Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Usenet:  {allegra,heurikon,ihnp4,seismo,uwm-evax}!uwvax!neves
Arpanet: neves@uwvax