[net.micro.apple] ProDOS and AppleWorks Versions Query.

archer@hsi.UUCP (Yrrag Rehcra) (08/22/86)

Munch, munch, munch<<<S LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE ***

I bought my Apple IIc in May 1984.  It came with ProDOS version 1.0.2.  I
bought AppleWorks in August 1984 and that is version 1.1 and it came with
ProDOS version 1.0.1.

I'm considering obtaining the latest versions of ProDOS and AppleWorks and I
know that I shall have to visit my friendly neighbourhood authorised Apple
dealer to do this (or do I?).  So, before I bother, I would ask you fellow
Apple fans out there the following:

1) What are the latest versions of ProDOS and AppleWorks?
2) What are the differences between the latest versions of ProDOS and AppleWorks
   from my versions described above?  (Incidentally, I haven't noticed ANY
   difference between ProDOS 1.0.1 and 1.0.2, although I just KNOW there has
   to be something major/better/faster to warrant a new version!)
3) Do I really need to bother getting the latest versions, are they so vastly
   different that my Apple IIc won't survive without them?  (What it has never
   had, it will never miss, right?   Although it is nice to say that "I have
   the latest blah-blah-blah".)
4) What is the cost of version up-grades?  I thought I read somewhere that it
   is for free, although I could be wrong, 'cus I believe you can't get
   something for nothing (why do I forget these minor details?!?!?).
5) Have you any experiences (good/bad/indifferent) with Apple dealers and
   software version up-grades?

I'm highly tempted to buy Beagle Bros. new MacroWorks package that is
another AppleWorks add-on.  It has received extremely good press and seems
like the must thing to get if you use AppleWorks.  I thought that if I do
buy it (of course I WILL...) then I'd like to match it with the latest
version of AppleWorks.  And while I'm about it, why not ProDOS too?

By the way, has anyone out there used MacroWorks yet?  Do you like it?

Thanks for your time, and thanks in advance for any help.


		Garry Archer Esq.		ihnp4!hsi!archer
		Health Systems International
		New Haven, CT  06511