From: <SECRIST%OAK.SAINET.MFENET@LLL-MFE.Arpa> (Richard C. Secrist) Date: Sat, 18-OCT-1986 11:55 EST To: INFO-APPLE@BRL.ARPA Message-ID: <[OAK.SAINET.MFENET].9153ABA0.008F69E9.SECRIST> Header-Disclaimer: I don't like my headers either ! X-VMS-Mail-To: APPLE First off, let me say despite my "//gs cost deciding factor" message I am favorable to the upgrade if it can be done cheaply enough. The problem is for a lot of us that the extra ports and all of that aren't so wonderful since many have already invested in sundry cards to attain the same functionality. It'd be nice to get a working group together on INFO-APPLE so we can put our minds together to come up with the cheapest upgrade cost possible. Adam's message below is a good starting point... > From: "Adam Peller" <OAF.G.PELLER%OZ.AI.MIT.EDU@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU> > Subject: Re: //gs cost considered deciding factor > > From what I have heard: > > the upgrade will be available January '87. The prices I've heard have > varied from $499 to $599. This includes installation of a new mother- > board and back panel with 2 serial ports, disk drive port, scsi hard > drive port, mouse, etc. According to apple's rules, this must be > installed by an "authorized dealer" The "enhanced //e" upgrade was an "authorized dealer" upgrade but I did it myself and kept my ROMs; I was simply insisted that they sell the upgrade to me for $70 or I'd take my money elsewhere (of course they're bankrupt now, too.) Does anybody think we'll get away with keeping our //e motherboards ? > > You will need a mouse -- Mouse system A+ mouse from $50-$80 I guess this is a clone. What about software that checks the ROMs ? Any news on this ? > > If you want color, you will need the //gs RGB monitor -- LIST $499, but > of course, you can use a monochrome monitor if you wish. > > You'll probably want a 3.5 drive -- Apple's list $399, but there are > generics for $100 less.. Where can I find a UniDisk-compatable for $100 or less !? Again, what about ROM checks by the software ? > > this should come to about $900 for a basic upgrade w/o RGB color, > $1400 w/RGB. Ouch ! We're already into Atari/Amiga land here, like I said originally ! > > If you consider that the $500 upgrade gives you a few hundred dollars > worth of ports and a time card, it doesnt sound all that unreasonable. Yeah, like I said above - if you don't have any cards that's true, but I'm sure I'm like a lot of old Apple hands with a ][, ][+, //e *full* of cards ! > > Adam Peller -- AdamP%Oz@Mc.Lcs.Mit.Edu (arpa) Thanks for the comments Adam, I'd like to hear about those clone prices ! Richard SECRIST%OAK.SAInet.MFEnet@LLL-MFE.Arpa