[net.micro.apple] Apple /// contacts


One can contact the Third Apple Users (TAU) group at:

             TAU (c/o Lavona Rann)
             1113 Wheaton Oaks Drive
             Wheaton, IL 60187
             (312) 665-6319

Benefits are a monthly newsletter, a disk library, and
a TAU HELPLINE.  Memberships are $15.00/yr with a $5.00
initiation fee the first year.  This is the largest Apple ///
group in the world, and the only one officially recognized by

Sun Data my be contacted at:

               Sun Data
               P.O. Box 4059
               Logon, UT 84321
    Orderline  - 800-821-3221
    Cust Serv  - 801-752-7631

Bob Cook is the president and very helpful.  They also
often sell refurbished Pluses and other such items.

Hope this is of help to fellow /// users out there.


elliot@well.UUCP (Elliot Fabric) (11/08/86)

Apple Three Users of Northern California (A.T.U.N.C.)
P.O. Box 1528
Mill Valley, California 94942

Meetings on the last Thursday of the month usually.
However second to last Thurs. in November because
of Thanksgiving and no December meeting.

Meets at San Francisco State University, Business Building
Room 214, 7 pm.

$20 annual dues includes a monthly newsletter that includes
many articles and tidbits for /// users.  Send a letter to see a 
couple of sample issues.

Large public domain library, including technical manuals.
Generally PD disks are $3 to members $5 to non-members.
Manuals are reproduced for just over cost of photocopying.

Approximately 130 members and growing.