[net.women] Children & Careers

gil (01/30/83)

There's been a lot of talk about this recently.  I would like to respond to a
couple of suggestions that I've seen recently.  One person mentioned the idea
of having three couples living together, and with the six parents having
different days off.  Another spoke of two parents, living along, but  each
having parttime jobs.  Both spoke of the difficulties that might ensue in
trying to make such arrangements with employers.  I believe that rather than
structuring our lives around the desires of large (or small) companies which
are our employers, and therefore sacrificing our careers or our children, we
should be working towards restructuring our workplaces.  Employers (or some of
them) have learned to accept maternity leaves.  They must learn to deal with
giving working parents a more human way to raise their children.  I know it
seems a long way off, and maybe it is, but I believe we can't expect employers
to supply us with specially structured jobs for parents until we ourselves
learn to expect as a right.