[net.women] insurance company survey

jan (02/02/83)

I just recieved a phone call (8:20 pm EST) from a firm in Atlanta
Georga requesting information on my perception on insurnace companies.
Except they needed it from the "man of the house", I am female (and I
live in an apartment, which they did not ask).  They would not question
me.  When I asked why the woman (!) questioning me said she didn't know
because the majority of the households phoned were  run by women and 
therefore she (my interviewer) was  having trouble doing her job.
Has anyone else been questioned (any men out there?)?  What was the
questioning about?  Why do insurance companies think women are
not capable of answering their surveys?  
This woman was also not "at liberty to say" who was paying for the
survey.  Has anyone else had experiences of this kind?

					Jan Russak
					ABI Lincorft  1C-304