[net.women] There is Still nothing wrong with abortion

cbostrum (02/07/83)

Re: Pete Wilson's flame on abortion.

When an argument starts out "HORSEFEATHERS!" and ends with a request to
keep burners on "pilot" its hard to know what to say.

For starters, I still think it is clear that we must be searching out a morally
relevant criterion for a right to life, and not some obviously arbitrary one
which the Moral Majority criterion clearly is. The only possible way to save 
**it** is to claim that our morals stem from God, so his arbitrary decree goes.
I think this is clearly inadequate.

Rather than being "absurd at best" I think the criterion I gave is as close to
moral relevancy as we have come to date. I realise that there could be some
discomfort caused to holy rollers when they are denied arguing simply that 
their status relevant to god is the big thing, and that there is no need to 
consider right to life for anyore lowly beings.
I was hoping for some considered dicussion on this topic, but so far, no go.

Then occurs the traditional "you are just seeing it from your point of view"
rebutal. Pete's relative wasnt aware of himself, etc, Pete says, so we deny him
the right to life. Pete points out my argument well: we should look at the 
others point of view. But he just admitted that this fellow 
DOESNT HAVE A POINT OF VIEW that involves himself and what should/should not
be done to him. Who is going to claim this right to life?
I think the "then you would have aborted Beethoven" is a better one in this 
same fallacious genre.

The rest of the article is just self-righteous flame. Talk of 
how "self-serving" and hedonistic we all are. How terrible recreational
sex is. How perhaps we shouldnt tamper with Mother Nature.
And the dubious assertion that no other mammals have sex for fun, but to
procreate. In fact, I bet this is exactly wrong. Ill bet most other mammals
havent figured out that sex is for procreation, and really to it to get
their thrills. There is evidence even some human tribes hadnt figured it
out till white man came along. 
Dont get "motivations" of natural selection confused with the personal
motivations of individuals. Its careless thinking.

Re: sex education and birth control education. I dont know where Pete's been,
but there has been a great call for the more general availability of birth
control information and birth control itself, even as a part of "sex education"
It has usually been people, in fact, who complain about out "self centered
hedonism" and those who advocate a return to "traditional morality" as 
Pete seems to, that are in favor of the supression of this knowledge. (As
the New Right shows their name to be a slander to true right wingers