[net.women] SICK of abortion debate

illeman (02/12/83)

   I think a newsgroup (e.g. net.abort) should handle this cumbersome
debate.  Personally, I read this newsgroup for something OTHER than the
endless inevitable debate.  More women ARE interested in previously
male-dominated areas (I, for one, in CS and Math) and I would like to
read of their attempts, achievements and failures.  The topic of mother/
career-ship, I believe, is an appropriate subject as well.  I am a far cry
from a (note quotes) "women's libber", but I do believe women should have
an equal chance in today's society and the working world.  Get on with
some REAL stuff, for a change!  Wake me up when it's (the debate) over!

                                    not regrettingly,
                                          csu..--> judy

ix222 (02/14/83)

Better yet, move the debate to net.religion, or net.woebegone.

ka (02/14/83)

The abortion discussion belongs in net.philosophy (or net.religion
or net.flame...)
				Kenneth Almquist