[net.women] one female in Star Wars

bmcjmp (02/04/83)

I think that the shoddy treatment of females in motion pictures in general
is one bad deal. It seems that every once in a while there is a short round
of good women's roles, and then Hollywood having done it's duty, returns to
its "safe" world of strong men and women that are little more than props.
Science fiction films are often the worst offenders, much as I love science
fiction. Even the role of a strong woman like Leia is defined more in terms
of a woman being of value because she as "as good as a man" than of a woman
being of value as a woman. The only science fiction/fantasy film I have seen
of late where a woman was given any kind of fair treatment was the female
lead in "CONAN". I know the movie was not wonderful, but here we have a
woman who is brave, strong, loyal, etc., and still very much a woman. 

I think part of the problem in Hollywood is that because actresses were
selected more on the basis of sex appeal than an abililty ot act, the parts
available were more those of visual props than of thinkng people. Still, it
is hard to deny talent, and I think that there are enough talented women in
the acting business that if they are vocal enough about getting good roles,
then the writers and producers will do something about seeing that the roles
are there. 
		Barb Puder

wm (02/05/83)

Gee, I saw a movie recently with a woman in the lead.
It was called Tootsie!
What? Oh!

		never mind.

			Wm Leler - UNC Chapel Hill

dmmartindale (02/07/83)

I don't think that the occasional Hollywood film with a strong female lead
has anything to do with Hollywood "doing its duty".  If someone thinks that
such a film will make lots of money, it gets made. (An Unmarried Woman was
probably an example of this.)  I suspect the lack of good women's roles
in general is a reflection of the fact that neither Hollywood nor the
audiences are used to it.  Star Wars is a Western, a good guys vs. bad guys
picture, and wouldn't seem quite as familiar and reassuring if the female
lead was a strong as the male lead(s) or if there was no romance between them.
There seem to be many more solid female roles in European cinema; I wonder
if women are closer to being seen as equals there?

	Dave Martindale

bernie (02/16/83)

One of the main reasons there are so few good roles for women is that so
few writers are female (or, put another way, so few women choose to become