[net.women] Unliberated

tookman (04/08/83)

	In response to the story about the "un-liberated" woman..
The whole idea of liberation is to allow women to do AND be accepted
in what they choose to do!  If this woman really likes to be a
housewife (domestic engineer!) then her liberation is found in doing
just that.  What unnerves me is the word "un-liberation".  It reminds
me of Phyllis Schafly (sp?).  She hates all that liberation stands for
yet isn't she a career woman? Doesn't she have a husband and children?
I believe she does.  And I'm sure she does alot of travelling (to whatever
city would have her) which means who does the housework while shes away
and who "satisfies" her husband while shes away?!?  Every woman IS
liberated if she is doing what she wants to do.  The problem is everybody
else who thinks that the salaries should be different, etc.  Any response
to my ideas would be appreciated.

New to the Net...