[net.women] More on Unliberated

welsch (04/10/83)

This is in response to the article by KATHY entitled "Unliberated."

A person can very happy doing what she/he "wants to do," but still not be
liberated. Liberation is the freedom to choose between known alternatives.
Choice of action implies responsibility.

Phyllis Schafly does not want to take responsibility for defending her
country, earning a living or raising a family. Her solution is simple, let
men make the choices and have the responsibilities. She is very happy and
secure in the knowledge that she is not responsible, her husband is.  Mrs.
Schafly justifies her lack of responsibility by insisting that no woman be
responsible and limiting the choices that women have.

Women such as Phyllis Schafly are not alone. Many men do not want
responsibility. People who don't want responsibility like organizations with
lots rules to follow. In the rules they can find security. Rules are not
bad, but the unyielding application of rules often is worse than not having
rules at all. I find it fascinating that many people prefer to hide behind a
rule rather than to be responsible for a decision.  The rule is safe.

I am in complete support of women's liberation. I see no reason why women
should not have as many choices as men. I am also for people liberation. I
believe children should be taught in school that they have choices, and one
choice is not to follow a rule or rules. Even more importantly children
should be taught to question and not to base beliefs only on faith.
Questioning provides the knowledge necessary for making choices.

Unfortunately questioning and choice are not very popular.

							Larry Welsch