[net.women] Sexism in Consumer Electronics Shows

charlie@cca.UUCP (06/17/83)

         "Therefore, if I was a woman, I'd organize a demonstration
        to call attention to what was going on there"

         "The attitude that this engenders in men, I feel, is carried
        over into the workplace, and since we men are in the position
        to impose our attitudes, will necessarily degrade women."

Sexism is not "just" a women's issue.  It degrades us all.

If you see something you think is evil, dangerous, or even just
offensive, it behooves you to try to think of something y*o*u can do
about it.  Demonstrations may not be the answer.  Avoiding the products
of offensive promoters is a start.  Perhaps as a man in a position to
impose your attitudes, you can do better.  Don't expect the downtrodden
to solve the problems of the world;  they have their own.