[net.women] I hate misogyny

ded@aplvax.UUCP (08/11/83)

Well, at least Ginger seems to understand that titles like 
"Ripping women to bloody shreds" are not intrinsically misogynistic.
Unfortunately, the same can not be said for others.  I suppose that's the 
difference between calm rational individuals (i.e., people who agree with me)
and hysterical extremists.   Talk about blowing things out of proportion; 
I wonder what these people would do with something really important...

It's ironic to note that the above mentioned title was in reference to
women serving in combat forces.  In fact, let's have a little test on that.
How about it, misogynist baiters, are you for or against women having the
same liability as men to serve as combat soldiers?  If your answer is "yes, we
should subject women to such horrid brutality," then you must truly hate them,
you dirty misogynist.  If your answer is "no," then you don't really believe
in equal opportunity for women, you dirty misogynist.  If your answer was
neither, then you're begging the issue, you dirty misogynist.

Obviously, I can't make a plea for "cooling the rhetoric" after writing a
letter like this, but I honestly think we're making a misogyny out of a 

					Don Davis