[net.women] Not for you, buddy

ded@aplvax.UUCP (08/24/83)

Thundering across the electronic pathways comes a Knight in Shining Armor
to rescue the fair Damsels in Distress :-).  Here is one way women could
have a group, or at least a sub-group, for themselves.  When a woman submits
an article for women only, she should include a symbol, such as (O+), 
indicating the article is not meant for men and she
will not respond to comments by men on this subject.  Men would be 
free to expostulate in their hysterical way but women would be
equally free to ignore them.  

Men would probably read the articles but I doubt if many would 
include the special symbol in their own headers in a lascivious 
attempt to lure the unsuspecting women to their words.

This is about as close as you're gonna get to net.women.only.

					Don Davis

					Don Davis