[net.women] The Last Toiletiquette Remark

ingres@ucbcad.UUCP (08/28/83)

ucbcad!ingres    Aug 25 23:00:00 1983

I don't understand.  I am to be considered rude if I leave the warm
seat up.  Assuming it to be equally easy to develop the habit of always
leaving the warm seat down and to develop the habit of looking before
sitting, let us look at the situations

First, males are to always leave the warm seat down;
	I walk into the bathroom.  If I am to urinate, I lift the warm
	seat, do so, and replace it.  That is two motions.  If I wish
	to defecate, I do nothing.  In either case, if I were a woman,
	I would do nothing.

Second, the warm seat is left where it was last;
	I walk into the bathroom.  If the warm seat is not where I need
	it, I place it there.  Maximum of one motion per person.

Now, note that second description carefully.  Notice anything
interesting?  There is no "If I am a man I do one thing; if I am a
woman I do another".  Amazing, isn't it?  Everyone takes responsibility
for their own needs.  To say that men should leave it properly for
women stinks of opening doors for healthy females and the like.  It is
rank chivalry, and I see no reason to support it.

		Ken Arnold

P.S.  On a related topic, I have no idea why people put up with the
public restroom situation the way it is.  I mean, why are public
restrooms always allocated with a space ration of 1:1?  Since women
need more space per person (a urinal is smaller than a toilet) and
usually need (or at least take) more time, lines will form at the
women's restroom long before they form at the men's.  Anyone who has
ever waited for someone outside a restroom will have noticed this, and
(see above) more men than women are doing the waiting.  Yet it has
never occurred to the mostly male architectural profession to change
this principle.  Now, isn't that stupid?  I, for one, am sick of having
to wait for my leman because of this, so I can only imagine how sick a
woman would be of having to not only wait, but wait while she needs to
go to the bathroom.  Why isn't something DONE about this?