[net.women] Discrimination in Drycleaning Stores

ecs@inuxd.UUCP (Eileen Schwab) (02/09/84)

This summer I became aware that the Dry Cleaner charged more
for my shirts than for my husband's.  I asked about this and they
said that the pressing machines are designed for shirts which are
larger than women's shirts.  Therefore, women's shirts must be
pressed by hand. Since more labor is involved, they charge more.

I cannot vouch for the veracity of this information.

If it is true, it is just another instance of women being treated as
"abnormal".  In this case, it is their size which is abnormal.  Since
we cannot change our size, they should change the machines. Fat Chance!

  /V  V\         Eileen Schwab
 / ^  ^ \
 \______/   "Some like it HOT!"

smann@ihu1g.UUCP (Sherry Mann) (02/10/84)

I wonder if small men have to pay more to have their shirts pressed.

	Sherry Mann