[net.women] makeup origins

wrc@brunix.UUCP (William Cook) (09/03/84)

[not recomended for those under the mental age of two :-]

What is now considered traditional, proper makeup is an exact
reproduction of the way a person (man or woman) looks during sexual
climax:  red lips, flushed cheeks, red/purple eye lids.  These
obviously correspond to lipstick, rouge (blush), and eye shadow.  This is
probably the origin of makeup, though it is now given many post hoc
interpretations.  For more information consult any human physiology
book (try The Naked Ape by (maybe) Desmond Morris).  Sorry, but I
can't explain eye liner, ear rings, or nail polish.
-william cook     brunix!wrc

seifert@ihuxl.UUCP (D.A. Seifert) (09/12/84)

> I was told by a female friend of mine once that a woman will pursue
> what she cannot get, but that most women would really rather be with
> sensitive men.

So what else is new?   E v e r y o n e   pursues what they don't have,
and wants things/people they cannot get.  Human nature.

Sensitivity?  Is 6 dBf (stereo) (50 dB noise supression)
good enough?  [oops, wrong newsgroup!  :-)   ]

       /_____\			  "plastics"
	|___|			    Snoopy
    ____|___|_____	       ihnp4!ihuxl!seifert