[net.women] is this rape

rainbow@ihuxe.UUCP (10/04/84)

As for the comments I've seen with regard to the man's rights in rape cases
when they have been "led on", I say two wrongs don't make a right. Compounding
the problem does not help the situation. For instance, you have no right to 
go out and shoot someone for merely being called a name. The latter offense
is much more serious. While the former offense is improper and should be
reprimanded, it does not justify the latter. So to with rape. Because one
feels led on, you have no right to hand out your own punishment via rape.
The latter offenses in both cases should be fully punished. Losing control
of your emotions is no excuse. Otherwise temper would be reasonable cause for
killing. No way. You have no rights just because you lose control. You are
at all times responsible for your actions no matter what state you are 
in(barring insanity).


martillo@mit-athena.ARPA (Joaquim Martillo) (10/07/84)

I am not a lawyer but I suspect that if he had already penetrated her
and then she said no (stop?) it would not be rape.