[net.women] BIG BREASTs

flink@umcp-cs.UUCP (Paul Torek) (12/26/84)

While sitting in my unprejudiced unbiased egalitarian abode,
sipping a shasta thinking pure thoughts, I was accosted
by this most awful and disgraceful television show "Mickey
Spalane's Mike Hammer".  Now you can imagine the terrible
shock my virgin eyes witnessed when I saw girl after girl
approach Mike Hammer, try to pick up Mike Hammer, walk their
dog, cross the street, drive cars, shoot guns, just plain
breathe, all with big breasts bouncing around.  Of course I 
turned off the television.  I was not about to insult my
intelligence by watching this kind of entertainment.  I 
have more respect for girls and their place in society
then to view them(pun) for an hour in this degrading fashion.
     Unfortunately the rest of my tv stations were not
working and I was very tired after a long day and couldn't
seem to get up, and everybody else wanted to watch it, and
all the books were being read, and dinner happened to be an
hour away, and the stars were out, so I was forced to watch
it and see two huge sumptuous breasts bouncing in my face
for an hour.  A fate almost as bad as watching a Dolly Parton
christmas show.  Obviously the producers of this show
know what attracts the ratings.  You don't see too many shows
with Hilda ironing board wombat as extras.                                                 
Adam Sandler
(I know what they mean about being an ass,man.)