[net.women] Jeffrey P. Snover's illogical ad hominem attack.

allenm@ittvax.UUCP (Allen Matsumoto) (01/09/85)

This is truly absurd!   Jeffrey P. Snover seems to have lost his way in
very straightforward logic.  SELF-DEFENSE IS NOT MURDER.

> my comment <Jeffrey>:
> >                          Your logic is similar to some graffitti that I
> > saw at the University of Colorado: "Murder all Rapists!".
> Lauri's reply:
> >And where did I say this?  That I would like to kill all rapists?  I
> >said nothing of the sort.  Please be more careful in your interpretation
> >of what others say.  What I did say is that I would defend myself if
> >attacked in any way that I possibly could.
> I didn't say that you said this, I said "Your logic is similar".

First, this is quibbling.  Second, Lauri's logic is not remotely similar.
A superficial resemblance would be that one rapist might die, but this
is not murder, and one rapist is not all rapists.

> Lauri's original comment:
> > >Please excuse my bloodthirstiness, but if I am being attacked, I will most
> > >certainly do my best to stop my attacker.  If I must maim or kill him/her,
> > >that's the way it goes.
> > 
> > >If I have to act like an animal to defend myself against an animal, dammit,
> > >I'm going to do so!!!
> I humbly submit that Lauri's logic (and lack thereof) is indeed very similar
> to the grafitti at CU. 

> Jeffrey P. Snover  -  STC StorageTek (Disk Division)

I'm sorry to add to the volume of comment on this topic.  I really
couldn't stop myself.  (I'm passing up one last opportunity, you see?)
			Allen Matsumoto
			ITT Adv. Tech. Center, Stratford, CT 06497