[net.women] Clitoridectomy--coming full circle

features@ihuxf.UUCP (M.A. Zeszutko) (03/14/85)

[History majors do have their uses.]
I remember a prolonged discussion in this newsgroup on clitoridectomy
sometime last year.  I wonder if this current discussion will end
up talking about the painfulness of male circumcision, to the
complete neglect of women's issues.

aMAZon @ AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, IL; ihnp4!ihuxf!features

"Uh-oh, now the cat's out of the bag!"  -- Prudence

zubbie@ihlpa.UUCP (Jeanette Zobjeck) (03/14/85)

> [History majors do have their uses.]
> I remember a prolonged discussion in this newsgroup on clitoridectomy
> sometime last year.  I wonder if this current discussion will end
> up talking about the painfulness of male circumcision, to the
> complete neglect of women's issues.
> -- 
> aMAZon @ AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, IL; ihnp4!ihuxf!features
> "Uh-oh, now the cat's out of the bag!"  -- Prudence


It seems that with the exception of the jewish people the practice
of male circumcision (can there be female circumsision per se?)
is generally done to the very young (often newborn) and under some
form of anesthetic which removes consideration of its painfullnes
from the discussion catagory.

jeanette zobjeck

ihnp4!<       >zubbie

mountain oyster are supposed to be an aphrodisiac.....?!? (;-))
all opinions expressed are available for a small monetary consideration.
these are my two cents worth!!

jeff@rtech.ARPA (Jeff Lichtman) (03/25/85)

> > [History majors do have their uses.]
> > I remember a prolonged discussion in this newsgroup on clitoridectomy
> > sometime last year.  I wonder if this current discussion will end
> > up talking about the painfulness of male circumcision, to the
> > complete neglect of women's issues.
> > 
> > aMAZon @ AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, IL; ihnp4!ihuxf!features
> > 
> It seems that with the exception of the jewish people the practice
> of male circumcision (can there be female circumsision per se?)
> is generally done to the very young (often newborn) ...
> jeanette zobjeck

I believe that Jews circumcise their sons eight days after birth.
Jeff Lichtman at rtech (Relational Technology, Inc.)
aka Swazoo Koolak