[net.women] Rape, murder, provocative clothing, etc.

irish@ihuxb.UUCP (Laura Sheldon) (06/12/85)

A few days ago here in Chicago, a 5-year-old girl was raped and
murdered by a 17-year-old high school dropout.  He dumped the
girl from a 13th floor window.  On this morning's news, he was
quoted as saying that the little girl put up a good fight --
he had to pry her fingers from the window ledge.  Of course
he had to kill her, he said -- she could have identified him.

I offer no comments.  Make of it what you will.

Laura Sheldon

crs@lanl.ARPA (06/14/85)

> A few days ago here in Chicago, a 5-year-old girl was raped and
> murdered by a 17-year-old high school dropout.  He dumped the
> girl from a 13th floor window.  On this morning's news, he was
> quoted as saying that the little girl put up a good fight --
> he had to pry her fingers from the window ledge.  Of course
> he had to kill her, he said -- she could have identified him.
> I offer no comments.  Make of it what you will.
> Laura Sheldon
> ihnp4!ihuxb!irish

Perhaps an eye for an eye (or, in this case, a window ledge for a
window ledge) is *not* an obsolete policy.  (And take your good old
time about prying *his* fingers loose so that he has plenty of time
to remember the little girl.)

[The usual disclaimers about whose opinions these are and are not.]
Charlie Sorsby