[net.women] "The Good Old Days"

ecl@mtgzz.UUCP (e.c.leeper) (10/08/85)

> Until you can show me undenialble proof that you and all of us know where we
> are going, I will choose to remain in the past, after all, the past worked
> and has spoken for itself (there wasn't a 50% divorce rate) the present
> doesn't look too healthy, and the future is cloaked in the vagueness of
> experimentation.

I must answer this one.  How far in the past do you want live?  50 years?  A
hundred years?  500 years?  How about 700 years ago?  Seven hundred years ago,
there wasn't a 50% divorce rate, BUT
	life expectancy was about 35 (if that), not 70
	if you lived in Europe--a relatively "modern" place--your chances
		of dying of the Plague were about one in three
	if you were Jewish, or atheist, or anything else except Catholic,
		you had a good chance of being burning at the stake or worse
	you probably couldn't read, couldn't write, couldn't change jobs
	you could find yourself sold in slavery to pay your debts, assuming
		that your serfdom wasn't already slavery, which it was
	if you were a woman, your life consisted of bearing child after child,
		with no way of limiting your family size, and then watching
		them starve because you couldn't feed them
	if you were a man, your life consisted of back-breaking labor, with
		all the best that your produced going to the King or the Duke
		or the Church and the dregs going to you and your family--unless
		you were conscripted into an army for a Crusade or a war, in
		which case you got to die a painful battlefield death with
		no medical assistance other than *perhaps* a priest to give you
		the last rites
	you had no rights, no redress under law against the noble or stole you
		property, raped your daughter, killed your one cow, or burned
		your fields, no hope of a better future for you or your
		children, no rest, and an early grave

Oh, you thought you'd get to be a noble or a scholar in the past?  The
percentage of those was *considerably* less than 50% and, frankly, you're
better off risking the divorce.  (P.S. They died of the Plague too.)

As for

> Until you can show me undenialble proof that you and all of us know where we
> are going, I will choose to remain in the past, after all, the past worked

consider the influx of Russian Jews at the turn of the century.  The past
(Russia) sure as hell didn't work for them, and they may not have known what
they would find in America, but leaving Russia and cretain death at the hands of
Cossacks in a pogrom seemed like one hell of a good idea to them.  On the
other hand, the German Jews of the Thirties who chose to stay in the Germany
that they knew rather than risk the unknown undoubtedly came to wish--too
late, unfortunately--that they had moved on.

A science fiction author once said of progress: "It's the aerodynamics of a
bird in flight.  It presents more of a target with its wings outspread,
but that's the only way it can move forward."  And as Woody Allen pointed out
in ANNIE HALL, a shark has to keep moving forward to eat or it will die.
We--the human race--keep moving forward, or we will die.  Not moving forward
blindly, of course, but not wishing, just as blindly, for the good old days
"when men were men, women were women, Blacks were lynched, and Jews were

"Those who dream wistfully of the past should be condemned to live there."

					Evelyn C. Leeper