[net.women] Men who change their names when they marry

cipher@mmm.UUCP (Andre Guirard) (10/18/85)

How should a man who has changed his name when marrying refer to his
previous name?  It hardly seems right to call it a "maiden name".  Any
ideas?  Or is there perhaps a convention of which I am unaware?

						Andre Guirard

"Twopence a week and jam every other day."

flaps@utcs.uucp (Alan J Rosenthal) (10/19/85)

In article <248@mmm.UUCP> cipher@mmm.UUCP (Andre Guirard) writes:
>How should a man who has changed his name when marrying refer to his
>previous name?  It hardly seems right to call it a "maiden name".  Any

How about "previous name", "unmarried name", "birth name".

lee@dsi1.UUCP (Lee Hagerty) (10/22/85)

> How should a man who has changed his name when marrying refer to his
> previous name?  It hardly seems right to call it a "maiden name".  Any
> ideas?  Or is there perhaps a convention of which I am unaware?

I think that "previous name" gets the job done.  Or you could call it his
"ex-name."  Or you could call it his "birth surname" provided he hasn't
changed his name before he was married.  Or you could call him Ray, or you
could call him Jay..., but you don't have to call him Johnson!  Oh...what's
in a name anyway?

lornal@hou2a.UUCP (L.MORRISON) (10/25/85)

How about sirname!! (for original name).