[net.women] Keep who is her/his place?

frye@cuuxb.UUCP (frye) (10/17/85)

Hmmm, If you decide to call my place the whole damned
world, I'll stay in it(8-). Er --- Any of you ladies want
to call your place my place, or my place your place? (8-)

AW HA HA HA HA! The Devil made me do it!
Tom Frye

cheryl@lasspvax.UUCP (Cheryl Stewart) (10/26/85)

In article <263@cuuxb.UUCP> frye@cuuxb.UUCP (frye) writes:
>Hmmm, If you decide to call my place the whole damned
>world, I'll stay in it(8-). Er --- Any of you ladies want
>to call your place my place, or my place your place? (8-)

     "Keeping men in their place" means to keep men from
"keeping women in their place".  I am the subject of MY
story, even as a woman -- NOT the object of YOUR story...
but I admire your semantics.

Cheryl Stewart

>AW HA HA HA HA! The Devil made me do it!
>Tom Frye